The Spirit World, Heaven And Hell

Emanuel Swedenborg was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1688 and became a theologian, scientist, philosopher and mystic. In 1758 he published his best known work entitled ‘Afterlife, Heaven and Hell’ which was later abridged, rearranged and re titled as ‘Afterlife – A Guided Tour of Heaven and Its Wonders’.

Through his own spiritual experiences over many years, Swedenborg was able to offer a first-hand account of the world of spirits and our state after death through to details of heaven and hell. His book can be downloaded free as a PDF from the Swedenborg Foundation at their website

The Redland Circle would recommend this book to anyone seeking a more in depth understanding of what happens to our soul after death of the physical body.

Furthermore, it will quickly become apparent to the reader that there is a direct correlation between the thoughts, intentions, words and deeds of our physical life and the eventual community within either heaven or hell that our soul will inhabit.

Happy reading